Wabi Recipe: Snowman 3D Latte Art

December 19, 2023

Wabi Recipe: Snowman 3D Latte Art

What is 3D Latte Art?

3D Latte Art is a form of creative coffee art that involves creating three-dimensional designs on the surface of a latte or cappuccino using steamed milk and espresso. To create 3D Latte Art, baristas use a variety of techniques and tools. They start by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso, creating a base for the design, then they use specialized tools like, small spoons, toothpicks, or even syringes, to carefully manipulate the milk foam to shape it into intricate and detailed designs. Overall, 3D Latte Art adds an extra element of creativity and visual appeal to the coffee experience, making it a delightful and enjoyable treat for both the eyes and the taste buds.


How to make snowman 3D latte art?

After you have made your favorite cup of coffee, whether a latte, a cappuccino, or an espresso, you’ll need to froth the milk in a container until the froth is thick and smooth. Once the frothed milk is ready, then start spooning various sizes, and shapes of the milk foam to the top of your coffee until your snowman 3D Art is created. You can easily retain the shapes longer by creating a pattern with chocolate syrup or dark espresso.


  • Mastering 3D Latte Art: A Complete Guide and FAQs Read More →
  • Showcasing the Beautiful 3D Latte Art for Your Inspiration Read More →

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Wabilogic™ is the official licensee of Melitta®'s products. For the last 50 years, we embrace breakthrough concepts for products with timeless design. Don't miss the chance to explore exceptional coffee makers. (Click Here)

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