Melitta Easter Coffee Pairings: Perfect Brews for Year Feast

Melitta Easter Coffee Pairings: Perfect Brews for Year Feast

March 25, 2024

Discover Melitta's coffee pairings for Easter. From lamb to hot cross buns, savor each bite with the perfect brew.
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Easter and Coffee in POLAND | Wabilogic

Easter and Coffee in POLAND

April 08, 2021

A yearly Easter tradition in Poland, Śmigus-Dyngus is a fun activity for family and friends. Pouring buckets of water on each other is a Polish Easter tradition known as Śmigus-dyngus. It symbolizes...
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Easter and Coffee in GREECE | Wabilogic

Easter and Coffee in GREECE

April 08, 2021

On Holy Saturday morning, the streets of the Greek island of Corfu are transformed into a sea of ceramic as locals throw pots, pans, and other earthenware filled with water from their...

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Easter and Coffee in SPAIN | Wabilogic

Easter and Coffee in SPAIN

April 08, 2021

In Spain, the Easter holiday is an occasion for festivities and celebrations. Costumed members of religious groups parade through the streets, followed by floats representing Bible stories...
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Easter and Coffee in FINLAND | Wabilogic

Easter and Coffee in FINLAND

April 08, 2021

Easter celebration in Finland starts on Palm Sunday which is one week before Easter. Children dress up like witches and go door-to-door, asking for treats in return for short rhymes or poems. The little witches carry...
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Easter and Coffee in ITALY | Wabilogic

Easter and Coffee in ITALY

April 08, 2021

Locals celebrate a 350-year-old Easter tradition called Scoppio del Carro, or "explosion of the cart" to commemorate the time of the first crusade. On Easter Sunday a mechanical dove hits...
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Easter and Coffee in GUATEMALA | Wabilogic

Easter and Coffee in GUATEMALA

April 08, 2021

Antigua, located in southern Guatemala, covers its streets in colorful carpets throughout the Holy Week, held sometime between March 22 and April 23. On Palm Sunday, curcuruchas (carriers) wear...

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