Wabi Coffee Recipes: White Russian Coffee

April 30, 2024

Wabi Coffee Recipe: White Russian Coffee

What is White Russian Coffee?

White Russian Coffee is a delightful variation of the classic White Russian cocktail infused with the rich flavors of coffee. It combines the smoothness of vodka, the sweetness of coffee liqueur (such as Kahlua), and the boldness of hot brewed coffee. The ingredients are mixed together to create a harmonious blend of flavors that make a comforting and indulgent coffee drink. The hot coffee adds warmth and depth to the cocktail, while the coffee liqueur enhances the coffee flavor and complements the vodka. It can be enjoyed as a cozy after-dinner treat or a soothing pick-me-up during colder months. Top it off  with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa or grated chocolate, White Russian Coffee offers a delightful combination of coffee and cocktail flavors in one satisfying sip.


How to make aWhite Russian Coffee?

Start by brewing a cup of hot coffee. In a heat-resistant glass or mug, combine the vodka and the coffee liqueur, such as Kahlua. Pour the hot brewed coffee into the glass or mug and stir gently to combine the ingredients. The coffee liqueur will enhance the coffee flavor and add sweetness to the drink, while the vodka provides a smooth alcoholic kick. You can add sugar or sweetener to taste if desired. Top off your White Russian Coffee with a dollop of whipped cream for an extra touch of indulgence. You can garnish it with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or grated chocolate for added flavor and decoration. Serve and savor this delicious coffee cocktail as a treat any time of the day!


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